Thursday, October 30, 2008

Recent Game Score

It was requested by one on the many followers, Woman Not in the West, (WNW) [ Please see Ground Rules for Name Posting] that the final score card from a recent game of Seagull be posted on our blog. So please enjoy.

The first picture, in an attempt to protect the participants, was taken from a distance. The score card is located on the second shelf to the left of the boxy object. (Besides you know the family motto, "We are all WINNERS, we just keep score to improve our math skills!")

Squeaky & Thimble


April said...

Congratulations to the winners!

I think I could see your SS # on a slip of paper near the files on the third shelf... better watch that in the future!


April said...

Congratulations to the winners! Although, I think I could see your home address on an envelope in a drawer on the third shelf... better watch that in the future!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that people are finally clueing in 2 the savety issues of blogs!